HTML Text formatting:
Different tags
are used to format the text in HTML documents. Some of them are as follows:
<B> tag is used to bold the text. It is
closed by </B> tag.
<I> tag is used to display the tag in
italic style. It is closed by </I> tag.
<Strong> tag is used to present an important
message. It is close by </strong> tag.
<BIG> tag is used to display a bigger text.
It is close by </BIG> tag.
<SMALL> tag is used to display a text in
small size. It is closed by </SMALL>
<U> this tag is used to underline a text.
It is closed by </U> tag.
<SUB> tag is used to display text as a subscript. It is closed by </SUB> tag.
<SUP> tag is used to display text as superscript.
It is closed by </SUP> tag.
· Type the following code in notepad
and save with “fotmatting.html”
<B> this is a bold text. </B>
<I> this is a text in italic
style. </I> <BR>
<STRONG> this is an important text!
<BIG> this is a big text
</BIG> <BR>
<SMALL> this is a small text.
<U> Underlined text </U> <BR>
<SUB> Subscript text</SUB>
<SUP> superscript text
</SUP> <BR>
· Save the file as “Formatting.html”
· Double click the file. The web page
will appear as below
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